Auto Insurance for western Chicagoland Drivers—From Pros Who Know

The internet makes everything easier these days—even buying auto insurance! But just because you can get insurance online doesn’t mean you should. There’s a lot that goes into determining your rate and getting the best coverage for your car.

For example, if you lease your vehicle or have a lien holder, do you know what kind of coverage they demand? Are you aware that your state may require specific coverages? Factors that can affect your rate include age, gender, marital status, and even where you live.

When faced with the choice, you should always go with the pros who know about auto insurance coverage—Gulbransen Insurance Agency. Through continuing education and licensing, we are up-to-date on all auto insurance compliance mandates. You simply won’t get that type of knowledge or service from a website.

Special Coverage Considerations for western Chicagoland Drivers

Gulbransen Insurance Agency works with a wide variety of carriers. We know where to go to get you not only the best rate, but the protection you seek for your automobile. You’ll find that we can even secure you special coverage.

  • Discounts and bundling: Many insurance providers offer premium discounts for policyholders who have clean driving records, special training, zero accidents, multiple cars, and more. Still, others offer discounts when you bundle your auto insurance with additional policies, such as homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. We know where to go to get the deals.
  • Stated value: We’ve all heard the adage that a car depreciates in value the moment you drive it off the dealer’s lot. But, if you invest $100,000 in a car, that’s probably something you don’t want to hear. However, we work with carriers who will insure your car for 100% replacement cost, making you secure in the knowledge that should something happen, your expensive car will be replaced.
  • Rideshare coverage: With 100,000 Lyft drivers and 160,000 Uber drivers in the US, there is a great need for comprehensive coverage. Unfortunately, many carriers exclude coverage for rideshare operators. And while Lyft and Uber policies will cover most of a ride, there are gaps in coverage that put you at risk as a driver. We can connect you with a carrier who offers rideshare endorsement to close those gaps and ensure you’re protected.

Preparing for a quote

There are multiple factors that determine your rates. When you’re searching for auto insurance, it’s important to be prepared to give your broker the following information:

  • Mileage: Do you use your car to commute to work or simply to shuttle kids to soccer practice? Whether you really rack up the miles every day or only drive it on Sundays, it’s important to know the number of miles you’re driving each month.
  • Value: Is your car your baby or a dumpster on wheels? How you feel about your car should factor into your decision about coverages and deductibles.
  • Work: Do you deliver pizza or people with your car? If you make your living with your vehicle, your insurance needs are different than someone who’s only commuting to work and back each day.
  • Make and model: Do you drive a Ferrari or a Ford Escort? It matters. Certain vehicles are more expensive to insure either because data shows they’re more likely to be stolen or are more often involved in crashes.
  • Location: Where you live—and park—impacts your rates. A car parked on a city street is more likely to be involved in a claim then one parked in a suburban garage.
  • Drivers: Are you the only driver or are you sharing your car with a spouse? Do you have teen drivers? Even if they’re not the primary driver of your car, they must be factored into the rate as well.
  • Laws: The laws in your state dictate minimum coverage that every driver must carry. We know what mandates apply to your location.
  • Own or lease: The lien holder or leasing company will likely have auto insurance requirements you must meet specified in the terms of your agreement. It’s important to know what coverage as well as deductibles they demand.

Steering You in the Right Direction—Contact Our Team Today

With years of experience, on-going education and training, and a passion for what we do, our licensed professional team of insurance experts are ready to steer you in the right direction when it comes to the ideal auto insurance coverage. Call 630.393.6700 today for more information or a reach us online for a personalized quote.